Anjjana Joshii

The accuracy of simple solutions that i provide after reading horoscope enthused me and
there was an urge to sharpen my skills through other forces.

We meet or do not meet is incidental and is again permutation and combination of your will power and destiny. Stay blessed and Stay happy….!!!!
Deeply understood Reiki in 2005 followed by Access bars, Pranic healing, Vaastu, Astrology, Numerology, Pendulum Dowsing. As i delved deeper, i realized that how deeply each of these studies are intertwined and helps one to provide a holistic understanding of self and one’s future. When one undertakes a journey, all roads lead to the same destination, very few know all roads though. As an astrologer, palmist, numerologist, crystal healing, occult science plays a major role in forecasting. To forecast, i need the date, the time and place of birth. In case of date of birth is not available, we may use palmistry (handprint).
If need be, we may reach to accurate forecast by combining the above elements of occult science.
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